10 Considerations for Outsourcing

In the fast changing business environment, speed has become a key competitive advantage. Many companies seek to outsource work that others can deliver in a complementary manner. It is a strategic decision. Companies can garner abundant benefits when it is done well. There are 10 things to consider for determining… [More]

The Stewardship of Process Excellence

Business processes are the backbones to the engine that runs a company. Their effectiveness has a direct impact on the top-line and the bottom-line. As important as it is, not many companies have dedicated resources to ensure that processes are performing optimally. There are two key reasons why process ownership… [More]

The Essence of the Big Picture

With the advance of Google maps, driving around in a strange neighbourhood is not a huge challenge anymore. The voice navigation provides turn-by-turn directions. Despite the convenience, I found the first visual presentation of the origination and the destination offers a mental orientation on where I am headed. That big… [More]

The Right Tool for the Job

Drilling a hole on a wall seems to be a fairly straightforward task. You pin-point the location for the hole and drill. I attempted to do so to hang a large painting. As it turned out, there was more to it. Once I chose the spot for the hole, I… [More]

A Framework for ROI Validation

Companies spend millions each year to invest in initiatives to enhance their business. They are diligent in the preparation of a business case to justify the need. A committee reviews the business case before the requested fund is granted. Upon implementation, there is little effort spent on monitoring how the… [More]

10 Reasons Why Process Must Come First

Running a business is an intricate undertaking. Employees work on tasks that are interrelated. Today, technology is used in completing most of the work. As a result, many of us believe that work needs to be designed around the capabilities of the technology. This approach leads to sub-optimal execution and… [More]

5 Keys to Serve Internal Customers

Internal customers are just as important as external customers. Your service constitutes an input component to their work. There are ripple effects on the business when internal customers are not served well. Functions such as recruitment, budgeting, and procurement provide services to different areas within the company. These services are… [More]

How to Turn Good Intentions into Concrete Results

Two departments in a finance company decided to improve the workflow for onboarding a new client. The handoff between the two groups hinged on an Excel file which listed the tasks to be done and their statuses. The Excel file served as a checklist and a communication tool. After spending… [More]

To maximize business results, call Connie at 604-790-1220 or email us today!