Why Team Misalignment is a Productivity Killer and How to Overcome It

Team misalignment is a persistent productivity killer. When teams are misaligned, tasks take more time to complete. Fragmented efforts lead to confusion and frustration. Subsequently, businesses are unable to achieve the results they aim for. There are several warning signs you can look for: Departmental silos – each department focuses… [More]

The Dilemma of Data Ownership

Data is the new currency in the digital economy. Businesses that are able to leverage data could create winning products and services, expedite their delivery, and optimize operations to leave competition in the dust. Recognizing that data is a strategic asset, businesses are in a race to uncover insights embedded… [More]

How to Improve Receptiveness to Data Governance

Data governance is an important building block to enable a business use data confidently for decision-making. Despite its importance, many consider data governance an extra layer of policies. This leads to lukewarm reception and haphazard adoption, impacting data quality. Ultimately, the business won’t be able to fully benefit. To improve… [More]

Does Your Organizational Culture Support Your Transformation Ambition?

A recent conversation with a business owner reiterates the importance of closing the culture gap that impedes progress on business transformation. The business owner set an ambitious agenda to implement more technologies to streamline operations. The transformation journey was met with hurdles. Two years later, new applications are in place… [More]

Leadership for Digital Age

Competing in the digital age requires leaders to hone their skills in digital literacy and adapt their approaches. As fast paced technology advancements escalate changes in expectations from customers, suppliers, and employees, it becomes critical to attune business management to changing trends. There are five areas that leaders need to… [More]

Digital Transformation is About Business Improvement

Digital transformation is more than technology adoption. The intent is to adopt technology as a means to improve the business. Business improvement is the ultimate outcome for digital transformation. When businesses place improvement front and center, they have more clarity on the type(s) of technology that meet their needs and… [More]

Why Leaders Need To Be Trust Builders

Trust is confidence one has in another person’s integrity and strength. With trust, an individual is willing to take risk. Without trust, one would act in his own interest with little desire to expose himself to any potential harm. A workplace with trust fosters high performance across the organization. Hence,… [More]

The Soft Side of Operational Excellence

Operational excellence builds a strong foundation for profitable growth. Much energy is devoted to improve efficiency and productivity, modify processes and rules so employees could do their work faster, better and at a lower cost. That’s only half of the solution. The other half is building an environment that fosters… [More]

How Conscious Ownership Impacts Performance

Managers are achievers in their own right. They move up the ranks by applying their skills and talents to opportunities that opened up along the way. Many excel because of their technical expertise. With people reporting to them, the technical skills they rely on in the past become less essential…. [More]

Strategy Renewal for Your Business

Strategy setting is critical to a business’ roadmap to success. The last three months have exposed every business to uncertainties of shifting customer demands and behaviors as a result of the pandemic. Some of these changes would be permanent while others might subject to further adjustments. Since no one can… [More]

To maximize business results, call Connie at 604-790-1220 or email us today!