3 Elements of Customer Obsession

Businesses exist to serve the customers. This principle forms a key driving force for strategy development. When a business obsesses over customers, it has a laser focus on doing what is best for customers. This laser focus facilitates prioritization of product development, investments, and operational decisions. There are 3 key… [More]

Building Customer Loyalty in a Time of Rapid Change

Queues are common scenes these days. Physical distancing has businesses respond with clearly marked spots for lineups. Some tape arrows on the floor for directing in-store traffic. Call centres redirect customers to the business’ website for self-help. It is an inconvenience that requires customers to be patient and collaborative. Despite… [More]

Do Your Operations Need to be Re-optimized?

Dining out is a great way to have a relaxing evening with friends. There are no cooking and no mess to clean up afterward. My expectations are no different from others who love dining out: good food and service. Last week’s experience at a local restaurant was a test for… [More]

3 Ways to Accelerate Business Success with Customer Feedback

As part of the strategic planning process, I conduct customer interviews to gather feedback on satisfaction with the products and services delivered, key success factors and future positioning of a business. The conversations are revealing. Customers are delighted to be consulted. They are open to share how they utilize the… [More]

Simple Tasks that Delight Your Customers

On a recent vacation to Quebec City, I goofed big time in misreading the departure time for the return flight home. The department time was 5:00. For whatever reason, I thought it was 5:00 pm. Around 3:00 pm, I strolled leisurely to print the boarding pass at the airport. The… [More]

Is Performance Evaluation for the Employee or the Business?

A professional service company provides feedback to its employees whenever it receives comments from the customers. An employee might receive a pat on the back or could be called upon to discuss issues flagged. The approach is customer-oriented. For a business, being customer-oriented is good. For the employee, the approach… [More]

Do You Engage the Frontline Workers in Your Operational Improvement Efforts?

Customer reps are often overlooked as a source of pragmatic ideas and customer insight for re-engineering operations. As the face of your business, frontline workers play a significant role in building solid customer relationships, which ultimately affects customer loyalty, your brand, and the growth of your business. The following examples… [More]

From Option to Value Creation

An aggressive wind storm toppled the fence on my property overnight. Anxious to submit a claim before I headed out to a meeting, I checked my insurance company’s website to see if there is an online option. I was thrilled that I could submit a claim online. When I got… [More]

Self-service and Operational Excellence

Self-service has become a key option many businesses offer to their customers. It is appealing to the customers who are eager to take on the onus to get things done at their convenience. It is appealing to the business for many reasons. The business shifts the work to the customer,… [More]

The ‘Happy’ Queue

Queuing for service is a test of patience. Customers might abandon their effort when the wait time becomes intolerable or conflicts with their plans. There are many ways to enhance queue experience. Inform and manage expectations Standing in a queue builds anxiety. When informed, customers can decide whether to wait… [More]

To maximize business results, call Connie at 604-790-1220 or email us today!