Are You Building What Your Customer Wants?

Investment in agriculture technology development has increased fivefold over the course of three years. According to AgFunder, a marketplace for companies to raise funds, $2.7 billion have been invested in 2015. However, the adoption has been slow. This is due to a several reasons. First, the new technologies don’t work… [More]

5 Ways to Tell if Your Processes are Broken

Broken processes leads to frustration and potential chaos for your business. Your employees end up spending time trying to patch what’s not working. Here are 5 signs that you need to fix your processes: Customers are unable to reach you If your support channels are not able to respond in… [More]

3 Key Elements of a Digital Mindset

Automation has boosted productivity and saved companies millions. Digitization goes beyond mechanizing work. It encompasses a revolutionary approach to tackle all aspects of a business. Let’s look at the monthly invoice issued by a utility company. There are three areas where the company has successfully deployed digitization. They include: The… [More]

How to get your team to embrace performance measurement

Performance measurement is about results measurement. The purpose is to monitor the outcome of the work completed and gauge progress. Unfortunately, some associate performance measurement with “being watched.” This negative connotation leads to a self-serving mindset. To get your team to embrace performance measurement, start slow and build the culture… [More]

Lessons from Apple Pay

Plastic cards fill our wallets. Credit cards, debit cards, loyalty cards, bank cards, membership cards, and ID cards add weight to the bulging wallet. The migration to the bar-coded key tags is an improvement but still an inconvenience. It is not surprising to find a wallet packed with more than… [More]

How to Overcome Silo Thinking

In many organizations, the functional structure is the default approach to organize their people and their work. It is straight-forward for management purposes because one can associate expertise with work. Despite the many benefits, silo thinking has been a constant damper to operational efficiency. Silo thinking is a result of… [More]

10 Ways to Leverage Results Measurement

Collecting data and computing the results provide a ton of useful information. Specifically, logically linked results offer intelligent data that explain the state of business. Here are ten ways to leverage the information. Establish a reference for status quo The tracking provides data on current performance level, reflecting the capabilities… [More]

To maximize business results, call Connie at 604-790-1220 or email us today!