Critical Success Factors to Harness Value from Analytics

Analytics is more than deciphering data. Using sound information guides decision making. It also reveals underlying problems that cause business havoc. Businesses have increased their investments in analytics in recent years, enabling them garner insight from the massive volume of data captured in various applications. To extract insightful information from… [More]

Advancing the Yardstick for Transformation Success

Operational transformation is an undertaking that spans across different facets of a business. There are the general goals of automation, cost reduction, and better service. Businesses have no problem in identifying the improvements they desire. However, the level of success hinges on how well they define the improvements. The approach… [More]

Why Structure is Vital to Businesses

The strategic objectives and actions for a business were drafted by the executives in a company. They were shared with the parent company for approval to proceed with execution. At the same time, there was a directive to create a dashboard for reporting on progress and performance. While this looks… [More]

Are Your Templates Killing Productivity?

Businesses use physical forms and electronic templates for completing all sorts of work. Examples of common customer-facing forms and templates include the account application form, customer satisfaction survey, invoice, and auto-response email to inquiries. In the back office, there are the business case template, data entry screen, and performance dashboard…. [More]

Five Steps for Overcoming Data Quality Issues

Data is like oxygen for a business. To make better decisions, businesses need data to eliminate unfavourable options and affirm their choices. Unfortunately, data is abundant but it doesn’t imply quality. In many businesses, data are captured in multiple systems. One system might assign a customer number as a unique… [More]

The Leap to Excellence

The Pantheon in Rome is an ancient structure that displays architectural and engineering excellence. The circular dome consumed over 4,500 metric tons of concrete. The base of the dome is over 20 feet deep, tapering to just under 4 feet to the top around the centre oculus. It is the… [More]

Are You Building What Your Customer Wants?

Investment in agriculture technology development has increased fivefold over the course of three years. According to AgFunder, a marketplace for companies to raise funds, $2.7 billion have been invested in 2015. However, the adoption has been slow. This is due to a several reasons. First, the new technologies don’t work… [More]

Is Accuracy or Timeliness More Important?

I attended a meeting where the focus of the discussion was on performance measurement for a financial reporting team. The objective was to determine one service result that the team would be measured on. As there is a schedule for the distribution of the monthly report, timeliness was top-of-mind. At… [More]

10 Considerations for Outsourcing

In the fast changing business environment, speed has become a key competitive advantage. Many companies seek to outsource work that others can deliver in a complementary manner. It is a strategic decision. Companies can garner abundant benefits when it is done well. There are 10 things to consider for determining… [More]

To maximize business results, call Connie at 604-790-1220 or email us today!