In comparing alternatives, a pros and cons comparison is often used to determine which alternative is more favorable. This exercise is straightforward and quick to do. For businesses that want to do a more objective assessment, they build a model to assign scores to the different factors. Through the process,… [More]
Using Imperfect Data for Decision Making
The massive body of data organizations possess is valuable information on their customers, suppliers, operations, and diverse aspects of their businesses. For decision making, the desire to attain the perfect data leads to stalled effort and missed opportunities. Time is spent on gathering as much data as possible, fixing incomplete… [More]
Evidence-based Decisions
7 Questions You Must Ask for Informed Decision Making
When faced with a critical problem, it is important not to let confusion and emotions cloud your judgement. To avoid making poor, hasty choices, you need to do some work. To make an informed decision, there are 7 questions you must ask. What is the normal state? We tend to… [More]
Working Decisively in the Gray Zone
Dealing with uncertainties could be nerve-wracking. There are 3 techniques you could use.
Building Success with a Frame of Reference
Dining in a Michelin star restaurant is a memorable experience. The chef showcases his fine culinary expertise with creative use of quality ingredients and immaculate presentation. On top of that, the attentive service and the ambiance deliver an extraordinary evening. That fabulous experience becomes a frame of reference for comparing… [More]
How to Make Sound Fact-based Decisions
Fact-based decision-making is one of the many approaches to decision-making. Having the data doesn’t help to make sound decisions unless you do 5 things.
Does Consensus Decision-making Lead to Compromised Solutions?
Obtaining consensus involves getting an agreement from a group of colleagues on a solution. The process to obtain consensus takes time because everyone involved is supposed to have an opportunity to express his view and debate about it. Making decisions using a consensus approach is not always effective. The solution… [More]
Making Tough Decisions
A tough decision is one that you don’t feel confident about your choice. This is when you wish there is someone to tell you what is best. We all have experience with this situation. Here are three things I do when I am in such a position. 1. Look at… [More]
Tips on Developing a Scoring Model for Decision Making
To make sound decisions, you need a scoring model to rank the options. Connie shares a few tips on developing a good model.
To maximize business results, call Connie at 604-790-1220 or email us today!