3 Tips on Storytelling for KPIs

With performance monitoring, you track results and analyze them to evaluate whether performance is up to par. The analysis provides insight on what action is necessary to correct course. The choice of action depends on many factors. This is where storytelling about the KPI would provide context for decision makers… [More]

How to Make Your Data Useful

Data contextualization is a term used to describe putting data in a context that is meaningful for the user. When the presented data is meaningful, users can draw insight quickly for decision-making. The massive volume of data captured in business systems offers a vault of business intelligence. However, more data… [More]

How to Plan for Optimal Data Capture

Data is abundant but having them in a way that is readily consumable could be challenging. Distilling useful business insight from data often requires some work. When businesses implement applications to digitize their operations, a lot of focus is placed on processing transactions. This encompasses tasks such as order entry,… [More]

How to Use Data to Optimize Operations

A manufacturing company expanded its services to a new city. The success rate in bidding for work has been around 15%. The manager seeks for ways to improve the success rate. Improving the bid approach, and hence the success rate, could be a challenge. The bid needs to be profitable…. [More]

How to Verify the Impacts of Transformation

When companies embark on transformation initiatives, they make an investment to improve the business. Their leaders have the responsibility to verify that the anticipated impacts are realized. Unfortunately, anecdotal information is often used to describe the outcomes. The lack of data to validate the results delivered shows a void in… [More]

Do You Measure Performance for Compliance or Commitment?

The monthly performance reporting and review is done in every business. Employees diligently produce the dashboard and business leaders meet on a scheduled day to discuss the results. As common as it seems, the exercise is a dreaded one in many organizations. For those who don’t appreciate the value of… [More]

Critical Success Factors to Harness Value from Analytics

Analytics is more than deciphering data. Using sound information guides decision making. It also reveals underlying problems that cause business havoc. Businesses have increased their investments in analytics in recent years, enabling them garner insight from the massive volume of data captured in various applications. To extract insightful information from… [More]

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