Delivering Overlooked Value to Get Ahead of Competition

Customers are informed and savvy buyers. Their evolving expectations are intertwined with their personal and professional experiences. For businesses to keep up with customers’ evolving expectations, it is a marathon of delivering value. Delivering consistent value is a minimum requirement. To be able to identify and deliver overlooked value competitors… [More]

How to Build Differentiating Business Capabilities

Business capabilities form the foundation to create, deliver, and support the products and services a business offers. These capabilities include core competencies that enable the business to differentiate itself from competition. To build true differentiating capabilities, businesses need to keep these four areas in mind. Reimagine the future with no… [More]

How to Prioritize What to Preserve, Strengthen, and Transform for Your Business

  The strategic roadmap for a business evolves to align with customer needs and technology advancement. There are many variables to consider. It is a complex, yet manageable process to sieve through options. A central idea to incorporate in the strategy development process is to evaluate and prioritize what you… [More]

The Marvel of Pokémon

Pokémon just celebrated its 25th anniversary in the role-playing game business in February. It continues to draw a loyal following and a massive community around the world. Since the release of the first video game in 1996, the franchise bolds successes beyond the games arena. It has a hit television… [More]

3 Ways to Accelerate Business Success with Customer Feedback

As part of the strategic planning process, I conduct customer interviews to gather feedback on satisfaction with the products and services delivered, key success factors and future positioning of a business. The conversations are revealing. Customers are delighted to be consulted. They are open to share how they utilize the… [More]

Looking Forward

As the year comes to a close, many of us take the time to reflect on the accomplishments for the past year. There would be moments of joy, great pride, and embarrassment. The exercise could be revealing. You learn what has gone well and identify the big, unexpected ‘aha’ ideas…. [More]

To maximize business results, call Connie at 604-790-1220 or email us today!