As the year comes to a close, many of us take the time to reflect on the accomplishments for the past year. There would be moments of joy, great pride, and embarrassment. The exercise could be revealing. You learn what has gone well and identify the big, unexpected ‘aha’ ideas…. [More]
Staying the Course
The strategy for a business defines the scope of product and market the business would pursue. They in turn determine the capabilities required for execution. The business environment is dynamic; opportunities are vast and unanticipated changes could arise any time. A business could steer off course when its strategy is… [More]
Do You Have a Plan B?
Upon its announcement of the departing CEO Christine Day, Lululemon’s stock price took a deep dive of 18%. The company has built a loyal customer base for its yoga wear. It has recovered nicely from an earlier kerfuffle around its ultra sheer luon yoga pants. The surprising announcement got the… [More]
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