How Well Does Organizational Restructuring Boost Performance?

An organizational restructuring is an option many companies initiate when faced with lack-lustre performance. The thinking is that by reorganizing the reporting structure, it would bring renewed energy, eliminate redundancies, and better align work teams. The initiative draws attention throughout the organization but often brings marginal performance improvement. There are… [More]

The Inadvertent Consequences of Automation Technology

Investment in automation technology has been increasing rapidly. Businesses have achieved different levels of success in customer responsiveness and productivity improvement. In many cases, the focus is on cost reduction. As a result, inadvertent consequences impact customer satisfaction, churn, as well as the company brand. Sound automation technology investments require… [More]

Turning a Checklist into an Improvement Opportunity

To capture directions on completing a job, a checklist is often used to list all the activities involved. This checklist provides a reference for team members to avoid missing tasks. Interestingly, the timing for creating a checklist usually comes about when a job gets complex. Many people might be involved…. [More]

How to Plan for Optimal Data Capture

Data is abundant but having them in a way that is readily consumable could be challenging. Distilling useful business insight from data often requires some work. When businesses implement applications to digitize their operations, a lot of focus is placed on processing transactions. This encompasses tasks such as order entry,… [More]

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