Data contextualization is a term used to describe putting data in a context that is meaningful for the user. When the presented data is meaningful, users can draw insight quickly for decision-making. The massive volume of data captured in business systems offers a vault of business intelligence. However, more data… [More]
Data for a Snapshot in Time
The Advantages of Data-informed Decisions
Data offers information on patterns, anomalies, and signals on behaviours and performance. Studies have shown that companies that invest in analytics and incorporate the intelligence into their decision-making process perform better than competition in their industries. With abundant data captured on customers, operations, and diverse aspects of a business, it… [More]
How to Use Data to Optimize Operations
A manufacturing company expanded its services to a new city. The success rate in bidding for work has been around 15%. The manager seeks for ways to improve the success rate. Improving the bid approach, and hence the success rate, could be a challenge. The bid needs to be profitable…. [More]
Storytelling from the Numbers
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