KPIs Selection is a Collaborative Task
3 Tips on Storytelling for KPIs
With performance monitoring, you track results and analyze them to evaluate whether performance is up to par. The analysis provides insight on what action is necessary to correct course. The choice of action depends on many factors. This is where storytelling about the KPI would provide context for decision makers… [More]
Does Your KPI Convey a Message?
3 Myths about Efficiency
Efficiency has always been an operations metric businesses watch closely for a healthy bottom-line. Getting work done efficiently is considered good. High employee performance is implied. Managers are delighted when there is no backlog. Efficiency is often interpreted as good speed, high productivity and output. There are three myths about… [More]
Customer-centric KPIs
Is Your Team Wary of Targets?
Are Your KPIs Keeping Pace with Change?
Using KPIs to Gauge Investment Decisions
Process Improvement vs Hiring
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