A Culture that Embraces Results Measurement

Results measurement is a subject that not every employee is comfortable with. Some are anxious feeling that the manager watches over their shoulders to monitor their work. Others feel offended that there is a lack of trust. In many businesses, the approach to results measurement creates conflicts between business units,… [More]

Going Slow with People to Go Fast

Business transformation presents significant changes to an organization. These changes span from a new customer support channel to a complete overhaul of the operations. The transition could be a journey bombarded with unexpected hurdles, dampening morale and productivity. Most of the time, the technical side of change, which includes the… [More]

Make ‘Winning Mindsets’ a Priority for Your Business

Every initiative a business embarks on has an objective to improve its current state. The business goes through the exercise of compiling a list of data to validate the business needs and the return on investment. This addresses the management’s quest to justify the allocation of funding. Once the funding… [More]

To maximize business results, call Connie at 604-790-1220 or email us today!