Does a Growing Business Need Performance Measurement?
Does your culture support performance measurement?
A Culture that Embraces Results Measurement
Results measurement is a subject that not every employee is comfortable with. Some are anxious feeling that the manager watches over their shoulders to monitor their work. Others feel offended that there is a lack of trust. In many businesses, the approach to results measurement creates conflicts between business units,… [More]
Action versus Outcome
An Overlooked Approach to Close Performance Gaps
Measure Meaningful Results
3 Reasons Why You Need to Share Results
You Get What You Measure
Measurement involves logic and numbers. The more granular and precise you get, the measurement better reflects specific outcome. We deal with all sorts of measurement in our daily lives, from the volume of water we consume to the gas consumption of our automobile. Professional athletes are meticulous with their calories…. [More]
Execution Without Measurement Is Gambling
Execution is doing the necessary work to realize the results you set out to achieve. Execution requires resources: people, time and money. To ensure that your efforts are not wasted, you need to be clear on the results you aim for so that you select the right initiatives to work… [More]
To maximize business results, call Connie at 604-790-1220 or email us today!