How to Use KPIs to Close the Strategy and Execution Gap

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Sound execution is key to deliver the desired results in your strategic plan.

Many businesses have a great strategy but fail to execute well.  And a key challenge is a lack of meaningful results monitoring.

There are two problems I would like to share.

The first problem is too much focus on financial results. Financial results are delivered through the completion of coherent activities across the organization. So it is necessary to monitor relevant work in addition to the financial results.

The second problem is vague accountability. Target performance setting usually stops at the business unit level. When teams have little visibility on whether they are on track, it is difficult to align their choices of action. So you need to cascade accountability by using KPIs. That would help teams focus on work they need to pay attention to.

With proper KPIs to monitor pertinent work and evaluate the progress of strategy execution, you would be able to identify problems quickly and make adjustments to your strategy and approach.

To help you with determining what to monitor to close the strategy and execution gap, you can download a copy of an article I wrote on Are You Measuring What You Need to Succeed?

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