Connie shares tips on how to get work done when faced with the challenge of having limited resources. 1. Revisit priorities 2. Review the timeline 3. Filter unnecessary work 4. Improve efficiency 5. Outsource to a 3rd party 6. Borrow resources from other areas 7. Get temporary help
Challenge #1 My Clients Face – Do More with Less
Connie explains the pressure to do more with less and offers two suggestions on how companies can be more effective with their resources.
Workload Assessment Simplified
To assess the workload of your team, there is no need for tracking all the work performed to the minute. The good news is that you can develop a high level view quickly. Follow these steps: Meet with each employee to identify the main duties and their associated volume. Track… [More]
To maximize business results, call Connie at 604-790-1220 or email us today!