Businesses can take difference approaches to improve their operational processes.
Some take a step-by-step approach. They start with automating high volume or most problematic manual processes to free up capacity. In doing so, they are able to increase speed and improve accuracy. Depending on the application or the tool they adopt, manual workarounds might still be necessary.
When the process performance reaches a plateau or significant business changes warrant a need for dramatic improvement, the business invests to transform processes. The transformation involves new integrated technologies, allowing the business to introduce new experiences for the customers and innovative approaches to run the business. The integrated technologies provide streamlined functions for analytics and effective execution.
For some businesses, they take a transformation leap instead of taking the step-by-step approach. It will require meticulous planning, laser-focused on the desired outcomes, full alignment of process, technology and people in order to deliver high-performing processes.
The diagram illustrates the progression on process excellence.
The step-by-step approach is conservative in terms of investment and the degree of change that would be introduced at a time. The transformation leap consumes significant resources but the potential gains could be invigorating. Taking this leap might deliver competitive advantages earlier. Which approach would work best for your business?
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